Warm Honeyed Coconut Milk Foot Soak


Warm Honeyed Coconut Milk Foot Soak

Creating a ritual around a warm and comforting foot soak softens our feet, but more importantly it has the potential to nourish our soul. To begin with we use the ritual as a way to indulge and entice all our senses.

If weather permits, we can enjoy a foot bath outdoors. Being in nature strengthening our connection and greatly benefits our overall mental health.

However, if this is not a viable option, use a large bowl or bucket and set it inside the bathtub or shower. Another favorable option is to use the actual bathtub as a foot soak, just keep in mind there will be some cleaning up.

Whatever plants, herbs, or fruits that we choose take a moment to inhale their unique essences this magically draws us to the present moment. Also we can choose to the infuse the water with gratitude and/or an offerings - such as a simple prayer. This reminds us of the unity in all things and of the many blessings that we may often innocently overlook.

When possible it is truly intoxicating to involve our hands. We can scoop, squeeze, drip, and feel the ingredients this enervates our sensory input. And once our feet are submerged into the warmth of the water, we can begin to take slow and full rhythmic breaths. Another vitally important detail is to give ourselves total permission to let go, rest, and restore. One final idea as we relax is to create a gratitude list within our minds and hearts. Please enjoy not just the foot soak but life in general.

What you need:

A generous handful of raw honey

1 can full fat coconut milk

fresh slices of lemon, limes, and/or organces

fresh spearmint leaves


fresh rose petals or any other flower or herb that resonate with you


In a small saucepan gently warm the honey and coconut milk

Carefully add warmed honeyed coconut milk the container you will be using for the foot soak

Add in all the other ingredients

Squeeze the fruit slices, herbs, and petals with your hands so as to infuse them into the warm coconut milk

Check to ensure the temperature is comfortable, rest your feet into the foot soak, sit back, and relax

Soak for at least 15 minutes. Gently dry your feel and slather them with a nice organic coconut oil.

Leslie Storms

Experienced Yoga and Meditation Teacher | Passionate Healer | Empowerment Advocate

Leslie offers personalized one-on-one sessions rooted in ancient wisdom. Her sessions support your journey toward embracing your own inner strength, well-being and remembering.


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