
Day Two

This is an open invitation to practice energetically opening your (the) heart to the world. This exercise begins to open us to possibilities of more deeply connecting. When we move through life from this more open sense of being we are calling in connecting and feeling into our deeper dimension.We are intently and silently opening ourselves to the totality of existence.

Throughout the day, pause at least 3 times

Look around and connect with something living that is around you a person, a child, an animal, or even be a plant

Gaze at the object

Then lovingly open and feel into the object of your focus

Begin to preceive through your heart

Imagine connecting with the objects heart center, its truer nature

It’s a deep connectedness

An exercising of connection

You could even imagine energetically connecting and opening to whatever you are resting the focus upon

Energetically opening, tapping into your intuition and deep inner knowing of the body and mind - this is a willingness to explore

This exercise, quite literally changes how we feel and experience the moment

Simply put it’s just wholly connecting while letting go of any rational mind rhetoric

My teacher Adyashanti explains that when we meet someone who intuitively feels familiar we often have an unconscious energetic connection to them. There is an intuitive and immediate connection as he states. This is a sense of intimacy that happens within the body. We are all familiar with such occurrences, so as we move throughout our day we are simply and lovingly inviting more of this into our lives.

You may or may not experience any fireworks at first, or ever for that matter. But you will begin to know when you are moving through the world from the space of your heart.