What is Energy Healing?
Leslie holds a loving and patient space, which most notably fosters a sense of comfort, healing and transformations. With nurturing presence, she often gently helps you uncover patterns that may be obscuring your body’s natural ability to heal and ultimatley thrive — thus making it easier for you to discover a deeper sense of empowerment. Her role is simply a guide. Throughout the entire session, a space of divine love is held, as this is held, it invites your own energetic (bioenergy) field to return to a higher vibrational frequency. This can bring about physical and emotional responses such as: chills, tingling, tears, coughing, or laughter. The experience is connected to a universal, unconditional love, the resonance of divine love.
What to expect
During an energy session, it is best if you:
Set an Intention — Focus on an area where you’d like to experience healing or greater clarity. This helps guide the energy and creates a sense of purpose for our time together.
Relax and Be Open — both physically and mentally, you can sit or lie down comfortable, with your eyes closed, allowing yourself to fully embrace and come into the present moment.
Remain Quiet and Still — The helps you remain open to receiving the energy and allows me to more clearly see (an intuitive seeing).
Sensations — You may notice various physical sensations like warmth, tingling, or coolness, or you may experience emotional shifts such as calmness or a release of emotions. Simply observe these and remain as free from attachment or judgements as possible.
Allow Emotions to Surface — If emotions arise, whether it’s tears, laughter, or sudden feelings, let them come, suppression is a form of blocking the natural flow toward healing and transformation.
Trust the Process