Renew the Spirit
Intentional /// Sacred /// Ritual Bathing
We live in a world where there are unseen forces. These unseen forces are made up of light and dark. Many of us have a sensitivity to these energies and knowing how to cleanse our mental, physical, and spiritual bodies is vital to our wellbeing. The practice of sinking and releasing into a beautiful spiritual bath has been a part of my own personal journey toward healing and maintaining homeostasis.
This is an invitation to explore the potent art of water, light, crystals, prayer, gratitude, essential oils, salts, minerals and botanicals. Many people are quite familiar with ritualistic practices and the power they can be toward helping us shift the magnetic field within and around us. Sacred baths or bathing have been around since the beginning of time just to name a few:
is a There are various definitions and ways that people practice sacred baths and bathing.
What is it? The answer shifts based on who’s explaining it. Rosita Arvigo (Doctor of Naprapathy, ethnobotanist, spiritual healer, and so much more) has spent most of her life devoted to practicing and offering spiritual baths. According to Dr. Arvigo it’s “a soothing and restorative practice that rejuvenates the body, mind and soul - which promotes health using water, prayers and plants.”
How will we be using this for this retreat?
Set Intention: Decide who will you be offering this sacred bath to?
Yourself, A friend or family member in need, A person who you love and you simply want to extend some good energy their way, A person out in the world who you believe could use a little love? It also could be offered to a group of people in need
Any answer will do, please just lean into trusting the first person that came to you.
Preparing for The Water & Bath
Keep in mind there are countless ways to create a healing bath, I am sharing the simplest and most easeful way.
Sit quietly | Close your eyes | Listen | Ask internally for 3 plants or herbs | Wait patiently for the plant\herb names to reveal themselves to you if nothing happens don’t worry I will give you some commonly used plants/herbs to use but this is a wonderful opportunity for you to sharpen your own intuitive powers
Now find the plants - and remember a little goes a long way. Perhaps the plants are in your garden. It is important to ask the plant or herb’s permission before you cut it. Simply close your eyes and silently share with the plant your intended intention for its use and then find a way to give back to the plant (which could be as simple as imagining to offer it some of your love).
Up to 3 different plants or herbs (may use just one such as rose petals -best for a broken heart)
8 oz water
A bowl that you love or enjoy
if you want to add crystals to the water or to your surroundings feel free or anything else that you feel strengthens the offering
I invite you to give yourself permission to freely create
Take the sacred plant flower bundle, make sure to be smart and safe as you carry out this intention. Ask that the essences of the plants help to clear any energetic blocks or feelings of inferiority that are keeping you from living and being your best self. Please allow yourself to make this very personal. Any words or thoughts that rise to the surface, speak them aloud or silently. Light the bundle, watch it burn and image those blocks being dissolved and carry away in the magic of the fire and smoke. A cleanse for deep healing, letting go and restoring. Give thanks for a higher power (or honor your beliefs in your own unique way), give thanks for Mother Earth, the plants and all. Return any ashes or burnt plants back to the earth, perhaps under a tree.