Creating a Botanical Wreath as an Offering to Someone in Need


Creating a simple wreath using fresh flowers and herbs is a delightful way to give to another, naturally it infuses your space with beauty and fragrances.

Begin by selecting an assortment of flowers and herbs. Bunch together small clusters of flowers and herbs, securing them tightly with floral wire or twine. As you work your way around the wreath frame, layer the clusters, alternating between different varieties to create texture and visual interest. Once the wreath is complete, you can offer it to the person, hang it on your door or adorn a wall with it to instantly bring a touch of nature indoors. The combination of fresh blooms and aromatic herbs will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your space but also create a refreshing atmosphere that lingers in the air.It is a stringing together of fresh flower buds, herbs, and such to form a circular shape, using the power of prayers, intentions and heart-fulness. The intentions behind creating a flower wreath

Creating a fresh flower wreath with the intention of offering it to another for healing, energy, prayers, or love is a profound and heartfelt act.

Carefully select each delicate bloom, I am mindful of the healing properties they possess and the positive energy they exude. The vibrant colors symbolize hope and rejuvenation, infusing the wreath with their uplifting essence. With every twist and turn of the delicate stems, I weave in my prayers and intentions, sending forth a powerful message of love and support. As the final product takes shape, I am filled with a sense of joy and anticipation, knowing that this beautiful creation will bring comfort, solace, and healing to its recipient. are endless, but often the reason to make one of these beauties is rooted in personal beliefs, needs, and desires.

When I create a flower mala, I use them similarly to the way in which I use candles, or smudging wands when carrying out a ritual. With each flower bud that is added to the string, I silently pray, the prayers are often of gratitude or a request. I set the intention of the flower mala before beginning, for example some are gratitude based, while others are request for change or healing.

When ushering in change I internally repeat a phrase or word (like an affirmation or mantra). Whereas when someone is facing an illness or perhaps a nation or country has sustained a tragic event, I use the creation as a way of requesting healing.

Hopefully, these few ideas begin to open your own creative imagination.

Intention Behind Flower Mala

  • Gratitude

  • Healing

  • Manifesting

  • Clearing Energetic Field

  • Sparking Imagination and Creativity

  • Calling in a Renewal

  • In celebration of (someone’s) life


  • As a way to more deeply engage with prayer either for ourselves or others (with each flower that is added to the string, focus your attention on sending out love or healing energy)

  • For the sheer sake of creating

  • Decor for a bird bath, swimming pool, or body of water in nature (again it could be infused with whatever speaks to you)

  • Displayed in a sacred space, as a reminder of your intention or what you are calling forth

  • Loosely draped around a doorframe, a staircase, or a chair (How fabulous would it be to have colorful flower malas at a special event? They could adorn the backs of chairs)

  • Used to pay tribute to a loved one who has passed, perhaps the flower mala could be arranged upon their place of rest

  • Added directly to warm bath or shower

  • Worn as a necklace for a fun photo shoot

  • Used as a fresh take on a centerpiece for a gorgeous tablescape

Honestly, let your imagination run wild and see what ideas flow forth —

What you will need:

  • Flowers (fair-trade, if possible), wildflowers from nature, and/or herbs (make sure the flowers are study enough to hold their shape amidst a needle and string - if you take from nature, please consider asking permission, blessing the plant you took from and finding a way to give back to Mother Earth through a donation or a replanting

  • A simple spool of thread or very thin string along with a needle for sewing

  • Scissors

  • A loving heart and a list of people, events or things you would like to extend love or prayers toward



  • You can make the flower mala any desired length, measure out the thread to the length of your liking

  • Thread the needle, secure a knot in the end

  • Carefully remove the blooms or flowers from the stem (they typically just pop off)

  • Select one of the gorgeous flowers, pause, close your eyes, and offer a silent prayer or wish

  • Take your intention, hold it in your heart for a moment

  • Imagine seeing it gently float out into the world as you begin to carefully sew the thread through the base of flower

  • Continue this process until the mala is desired length

  • Soon enough the flowers will begin to take shape, resembling a long necklace. Securely tie it off.

  • Enjoy!

If you create a flower mala, I would love to see! If you share on social media, please tag @blushhorizons


“A Japamala or mala (Sanskrit:माला; mālā, meaning garland - is a string of prayer beads commonly used in HinduismJainismSikhismBuddhism and Shintō  for the spiritual practice known in Sanskrit as japa. They are similar to other forms of prayer beads used in various world religions and sometimes referred to in English as a "rosary". Source: Wikipedia

The plants have enough spirit to transform our limited vision.
— Rosemary Gladstar
Leslie Storms

Experienced Yoga and Meditation Teacher | Passionate Healer | Empowerment Advocate

Leslie offers personalized one-on-one sessions rooted in ancient wisdom. Her sessions support your journey toward embracing your own inner strength, well-being and remembering.


Sweet Potato Pancakes with Berries + Rose Petals
