Facial Steaming

Facial Steaming


Facial Steaming is an ancient and sacred practice that nourishes us from the inside out.

When we commit ourselves to a weekly facial steaming, we are touching upon rhythms, rituals, and softly claiming our importance.

On more deeper levels, our commitment to this endeavor gives rise to the way in which we want the outside world to treat us. How does this happen? We are interconnected and the actions (or inactions) that we take in our personal lives literally reveals to others our values, boundaries, and desires. The benefits of choosing to make ourselves a priority greatly matters.


Facial steaming is a time to nurture ourselves, come back to ourselves — and beautifully claim our importance.

When the herbs and flowers come together they produces powerful flower essences that heal, restores, and nourish. Flower essences “work on the body’s subtle energy fields and have the ability to stimulate the body’s innate self-healing ability.” source instantaneously creates an noticeable shift in our mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. The beautiful herbs and flowers are filled with enough spirit to heal us. Our skin becomes more radiant and glowing. Steaming also helps us gently touch upon the more intimate layers of love (self-love).

It is an invitation to pause, breathe, and merge into the present moment.

/// As well as a chance to listen, follow, and flow with out own inherent intuitive wisdom \\\




  • Use your own homegrown herbs and flowers, if possible

  • Organic, pesticide free, and fresh - is always best

  • Consider infusing the water with na offering, prayer or mantra

  • Give thanks for the flowers and herbs

  • Use the time as a way to cultivate positive and loving thoughts


  • Choose the beautiful herbs, flowers and/or oils to be used - let intuition be the guide

  • Fill a deep pan with at least 2 cups of filtered water

  • Bring to a gentle boil

  • Add herbs, flowers and/or oils

  • Create a tent by using a towel draped around the head, so as to capture and experience all the essences and benefits of the floral water as it gracefully gives off the warm and aromatic steam

  • Steam the face for up to five minutes

  • Sit quietly and relax following the facial steaming

FIG+YARROW Facial Steam Packette

FIG+YARROW Facial Steam Packette



Inspirational Ideas

Roses have the highest frequency ( 320 MHz), this is “the highest frequency of all tangible things that we can literally put in our body and for this reason, it is the closest thing we have access to (to date) to teach us love.” source Roses lift our spirits, nourish, and bring about an inward and outward radiance.


Calendula is calming, helps with reddened, irritated, or inflamed skin

Lavender cooling, nurtures fragile or acne type skin, calms the nervous system and prepares us for rest

Neroli Oil soothe anxiety and/or depression, calms the nervous system, purifies, anti-inflammatory, and elicits a restful refreshed feeling

Rosemary helps with mental alertness, asthma, calms skin irritations and blemishes, clears negative energies, soothes mental fatigue, and mood lifting

Aloe vera tightens pores, heals, replenishes moisture in the skin, relieves itching, redness, irritation, and inflammation (commonly used when eczema or psoriasis are present)

Freshly cut lemon slices contains polyphenols that improve microcirculation, antiseptic, deep cleansing properties, promotes concentration and clarity

Let me know what concoctions you all create

Stunning Lavender Fields video, simply to enjoy!

Leslie Storms

Experienced Yoga and Meditation Teacher | Passionate Healer | Empowerment Advocate

Leslie offers personalized one-on-one sessions rooted in ancient wisdom. Her sessions support your journey toward embracing your own inner strength, well-being and remembering.


Raw Coconut Cacao Truffles


Simply Delicious Coconut Granola