An Offering through Sacred Smudging
An Offering through Sacred Smudging
“The plants have enough spirit to transform our limited vision.” — Rosemary Gladstar
Invite the Power of the Plants to support your heart centered desires
This sweet and beautiful smudging stick was created with plants and flowers from my herbal garden. The herbal haven is in our backyard and I spend time with these plants. I converse, water, appreciate, and love them daily.
I am a holistic RN with extensive studies in Botanical Medicine. I have even had the privilege of consulting with David Winston RH (AHG). I asked him his thoughts around me offering plant medicine. He highly encouraged me to practice in this way. I share this with you as a way of establishing my own sincerity of this practice and offering.
This bundle is comprised of fresh rosemary sprigs, lavender, hearty sage, and soft pink roses. I weaved this precious bundle as one with recycled, plant-dyed sari ribbon. I have prayed over the bundle, asked the plants permission, repeated mantra while assembling, and have left it to rest upon a quiet windowsill in my meditation space. I will continue to infuse daily prayers and mantra into the bundle, and once it has fully dried it will be returned to Mother Earth — By way of a subtle outdoor sacred ceremony. The burnt offering will then be left near a Japanese maple tree.
As I created this bundle, my hope was for it to serve anyone who felt called to join in this offering.
You needn’t be present, or nearby to take part.
Simply pause for a few seconds. Connect and listen to your heart. Silently, ask yourself, “What are you hoping, wishing, or longing for?” Whatever whispers you receive or hear, imagine sending that dream metaphorically to the plant bundle. Remember to give thanks for the plants, the earth, nature, spirit, etc.
There is an unseen mysterious energy to life, and when we trust and join together with other like minded souls, we not only hold but create a powerful space for implicit transformations.