Sensing into the Heart: 5 Quick Ways

Sensing into the Heart: 5 Quick Ways

“How does it feel to drop into the heart?” — Adyashanti

Our heart, the 4th chakra, that space where love, compassion, and kindness reside.

When we find ourselves experiencing thoughts or feelings other than that of love, these ways have the potential to carry us gently back to a more open heart. Through a willingness, we reconnect to our truest nature: Love.

Look deeply into a beautiful flower, let yourself see the flower through the eyes of love. Begin to imagine its qualities, essences and how it would feel if it were to touch your skin - Connect to that space within you that knows, that you carry the same essences as nature.

Sit quietly for a few minutes, notice and join with the steady beating of your heart. When you rest your awareness upon the heart’s rhythmic pulses, you discover the present moment.

Splash refreshing cold water on your face, put on your favorite song, and dance freely.

Guided Meditation This particular meditation will guide you to love and opening the heart. There are countless heart (anahata) centered guided mediations available, find one that resonates with you.

Soak your body in a warm bathtub filled with the sweetness of fresh rose petals, and 10 drops of rose essential oil (if you like, just make sure to dilute essential oils with a carrier oil such as coconut oil). “Roses have long been a gift to ask forgiveness or indicate love and affection. Aromatherapists use attar of rose for depression, to “open the heart,” and to comfort those in distress.” source: David Winston.

Let the enjoyment of an inspiring film or a short YouTube, take you on a joyful journey that renews the mind, body and heart. Such as Disney Nature: Wings of Life movie available via Netflix

Narrated by Meryl Streep. Music by Bliss. Our life on earth depends on a most unlikely love affair - one between flowers and the bees, butterflies, birds and bats which enable plants to reproduce. Flowers are no shrinking violets; their brilliant colors and exotic perfumes are designed to lure their pollinators, to intoxicate them with desire.

Intentions made toward shifting our energy creates new pathways within our brain. We are inviting something new and different to replace an old way of Being. Remember to seek out your own unique experiences that grace you in the embodiment of love.

Additional Information:

5 Reasons to Start A Mandala Practice

Leslie Storms

Experienced Yoga and Meditation Teacher | Passionate Healer | Empowerment Advocate

Leslie offers personalized one-on-one sessions rooted in ancient wisdom. Her sessions support your journey toward embracing your own inner strength, well-being and remembering.


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