Leslie Storms

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How to Experience A Graceful Body Scrub

How to Experience A Graceful Body Scrub

The way I approach a body scrub has always been beyond what you might think.

To me, it’s an invitation to be present and share love with myself, which spills over and out into the world at large. It is a sacred act, where I connect deeply and more closely with the self. I feel a connection with Mother Earth through the naturally plant derived ingredients. I become saturated in the transformative power of staying present in the moment. I play with the senses, as I relax into the experience. And suddenly I find myself feeling revitalized! .

The granules of sugar sweep across my skin, cleansing, restoring and invigorating this vessel that I get to call home. The unique scent of the scrub rises up and infuses the air with the nectar of newness. The moment is profoundly wonderful. I feel free. I am being nourished and touched by heavenly energies. I audibly sigh. Ahhh…… This is so much more than a body scrub. An authentic moment of presence and connection

So how does one begin to experience a body scrub

as a Grace Filled Experience?

It begins by:

Clearing the space if you feel called

Listening A listening to what would be most nourishing to the body, mind and spirit. It’s a listening to the rhythms of nature.

(For instance, it’s summertime here in Texas. It’s blazing hot outside, so essences that cool or refresh are resonating at this time.)

Honoring Honor the planet, the plants, the carefully selected ingredients that Mother Earth generously provides, as well as a moment of silence to honor a higher power.

Creating Boldly step into creating, let the voices from beyond guide you to your own unique ingredients: the herbs, nutrients, oils and plants that are whispering to your heart.

Pausing There is a beautiful and quiet pause when we give to ourselves. We often discover a surge of energy and patience through self-love.

Breathing Slowly draw the bowl of scrub toward your face, close the eyes softly, and enjoy the scent of your creation - appreciate the various notes.

Strengthening the relationship with the body As you move your hands slowly and mindfully across the body, begin to invite in an acceptance. It is in these quiet moments when we are alone with ourselves that we often reflect. If you notice thoughts of judgment or criticism edging in, remind yourself that this is an opportunity to cultivate self-acceptance. Connect to your heart center and see the beauty of the present moment. Devotedly refuse to live in the past or future.

Nurturing There is a commitment to nurturing in the act of dedicating time to your own well being. It is nurturing to be present, listen to your heart and relax a little more. This gives to our soul in unimaginable ways. Once you complete your scrub, notice subtle or visible differences in how you look and feel. Your skin is softer, more supple and radiant. This feels good and it acts as a beautiful reminder to revitalize often.


Claiming me time We must make time for ourselves a priority, this has a rippling effect upon our children, those around us, and ultimately our world. People become better parents when they give to themselves.

Sharing Each time you create a scrub, if you feel inspired, extend the same to your significant other. Perhaps a simple hand scrub. “Touch signals safety and trust, it soothes. Basic warm touch calms cardiovascular stress. It activates the body’s vagus nerve, which is intimately involved with our compassionate response, and a simple touch can trigger release of oxytocin, aka “the love hormone.”” Source: Greater Good Berkley Ed.

Prior to most body scrubs: I take an organic fresh lemon, cut a generous slice, squeeze and rub directly onto the skin.

(not recommended for sensitive, extremely dry or open skin )

Basic Sugar Scrub (for your own creation)

1 cup organic fine grain natural cane sugar

2 tablespoons organic sweet almond oil or jojoba oil

1 teaspoon raw unrefined organic coconut oil

1 Tablespoon grey sea salt

10 - 15 drops of essential oil

splash of 100% aloe vera leaf or a portion of inner leaf

Ideas for making it your own: freshly squeezed citrus juice, fresh pureed fruit, herbs, adaptogens, oats, coffee grinds, lavender, roses, … just have fun with the exploration.

Mix all ingredients together, continue to add oil until the scrub is to your liking. Begin to cultivate your own divine experience of a deep and cleansing body scrub - nourishing inside and out. Store left over scrub in frig for up to a week

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