Nurturing Your Skin


Feels good inside

when we look good on the outside

We all easily recognize a woman who has chosen to age gracefully. She has an effortlessness about her — a freedom. She shuns societal flaws and instead embraces signs of aging as courageous signs of growth. I continue to do all I can to stay mindful of aging, but yet never give up on looking and feeling my best. These are things that I choose to do to help me stay engaged and connected to vitality and health. It feels good inside when we look good on the outside.

For those who struggle with skin issues here are a few thoughts on the topic. According to Louise Hay when our skin is out of balance whether it be from eczema, acne, or psoriasis we are dealing with limiting subconscious thoughts often centered upon: feeling a need to protect our individuality. Having anxieties and fears. Old, buried things. Perhaps even the silent repetitive belief, “ I am being threatened.”

Therefore, when dealing with skin issues — it is important to commit to soothe these deeply rooted beliefs with positive affirmations such as:

* I feel safe to be me.

* I lovingly protect myself with thoughts of joy and peace.

* The past is forgiven and forgotten.

* I am free in this moment.

Drinking water is the ultimate elixir for our skin

Retinol - hands down the #1 way to slow down the visible signs of aging on the skin. Think beyond the face, neck and hands - any other areas such as the legs or arms can benefit from daily retinol use

Dry Brush daily if you time

Vitamin C serums

Raw organic unfilerted Honey slather, smear and cleanse your skin with this - it’s a miracle worker

Daily use of a Firming Lotion

Daily Body Scrub - as we age our skin’s ability to naturally turn cells over and renew decrease so we need to offer it a little help in through natural exfoliants

Raw unrefined organic Shea Butter - loaded with vitamins, reduces appearance of wrinkles, scars, hyper pigmentation, adds a layer of protection from wind and pollutants and much more

Positive Affirmations

Reusable Cotton Pads: Zero waste | Eco friendly | Extra soft

Leslie Storms

Experienced Yoga and Meditation Teacher | Passionate Healer | Empowerment Advocate

Leslie offers personalized one-on-one sessions rooted in ancient wisdom. Her sessions support your journey toward embracing your own inner strength, well-being and remembering.


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