Strawberry Bread

I couldn't resist, I already took a few bites. I have loved strawberry bread since the first time I tried it. However, my original recipe was full of white sugar and flour. Yikes! But thanks to Sakara’s amazing Coco-Banana Bread recipe I have found a healthier natural way to enjoy this delicious treat.

Strawberry Bread

16 oz package organic strawberries

1/3 cup coconut oil, melted

1 egg

1/2 cup coconut sugar

1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon sea salt

1 teaspoon baking soda

3/4 cup millet flour

3/4 cup almond meal*

2 Tablespoons coconut flour

Preheat oven to 350°F.

If you purchased whole strawberries, finely chop them in a food processor. Whisk the strawberries and coconut oil together. Add the egg, coconut sugar, vanilla + cinnamon whisk again. Sprinkle the salt and baking soda over the top — whisk again, until batter is created. Lastly, add the millet flour, almond meal, coconut flour and whisk just until all ingredients are moist.

Pour the batter into a coconut oil greased loaf pan (approx 8 X 5). Bake for 50 minutes, remove from oven if done. Allow to cool, store in frig enjoy with some yummy ghee.

I had some uncooked millet on hand and almonds. I simply added these to food processor to make them into a flour. There were still some small pieces of millet that were not the consistency of flour but I went ahead and made the bread. I like the texture even more than if it were all ground. Thanks for following along.

Leslie Storms

Experienced Yoga and Meditation Teacher | Passionate Healer | Empowerment Advocate

Leslie offers personalized one-on-one sessions rooted in ancient wisdom. Her sessions support your journey toward embracing your own inner strength, well-being and remembering.


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