Why I Believe in Bach Flower Remedies
A transformative
healing power derived through and from nature, plants and herbs
I want to introduce you to Bach flower remedies. I have seen these amazing remedies result in instantaneous healing in my life and my dog’s life.
My journey with Bach remedies began when I was caring for our 5 year old basenji that had been newly diagnosed with Cohn’s. Not only was he dealing with immense pain and suffering – emotionally he had become distant. He would strategically place himself far away from the family and turn his head and back to face away. I felt a part of him had totally given up.
I mentioned my dog’s behavior to an energy healer; she suggested that I give these a try.
After careful research and some online exploration I was hopeful and eager to introduce a natural plant powered way of healing. I chose Wild Rose for him. I placed a few drops in the palm of my hand and slowly offered the elixir to him. At first, he sniffed and quickly turned away, but finally he decided to take a few rapid licks. I gently rubbed the remaining amount around his sweet ears.
I sat with him for a bit and began to carry on with my day. I noticed over the next several hours he did not turn his back once nor did he choose to distance from us. It was astounding to see such a marked turn around after simply one dose.
I was a believer and have since experimented with my own emotions and moods experiencing similar immediate positive changes.
These drops are gentle, impressive and homeopathic. Dr. Edward Bach developed and devoted his life to these creations. “He believed that illness is the effect of disharmony between body and mind.” www.bachflowerpets.com
As a registered nurse and marriage and family therapist this has always been my belief too. When we get the mind “right’ then the body falls into a beautiful Grace.
Thank you Dr. Bach for discovering and sharing the transformative healing power derived through and from nature, plants and herbs
Bach remedies are a natural and pure way to create homeostasis within the body and mind.
There are 38 remedies available and they are divided into seven emotional states: fear, uncertainty, insufficient interest in present circumstances, loneliness, oversensitive to influences and ideas, despondency or despair, over care for others
The next time that you or your pet faces disharmony in mood, emotion or situation --- my hope is that, you too find immediate healing through one of these carefully though out plant derived remedies.
image courtesy Patrick Hendry